The building of the proposed Samr Hospital was the vision of the late Maulana Sana Ullah Sialkoti (RA), who upon traveling to the UK (1985) for the sake of dawah made an intention to return to Pakistan and build a hospital.
The land was purchased by Maulana Sana Ullah by selling his only home in the UK in 2011 (having resided in it since the early 1990's).
We now seek to raise £ 400,000 in order to pay for the construction and completion of the hospital.
SAMR Hospital
A Project by SAMR Trust
In addition to providing humanitarian relief services, SAMR Trust aims to invest in long-term projects such as establishing a hospital that meets the needs the local community equipped with a specialist Neuro-Rehabilitation Centre – the first of its kind in Pakistan. Following facilities will be offerred in hospital:





Minor Day Operations

Prayer Room Facilities
Up To
Population will be treated
Completley Free Medical Facilities
Staff will include Surgeons, Physicians, Nursing staff, Paramedics, Physiotherapists, Radiologists, and Radiographers with regular clinical visits by UK NHS and European staff. The highly skilled foreign staff will provide both treatment and training during their visits.
Project of SAMR Trust
In addition to providing humanitarian relief services, SAMR Trust aims to invest in long-term projects such as establishing a hospital that meets the needs the local community equipped with a specialist Neuro-Rehabilitation Centre – the first of its kind in Pakistan.